249 research outputs found

    An efficient multi-scale Green's Functions Reaction Dynamics scheme

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    Molecular Dynamics - Green's Functions Reaction Dynamics (MD-GFRD) is a multiscale simulation method for particle dynamics or particle-based reaction-diffusion dynamics that is suited for systems involving low particle densities. Particles in a low-density region are just diffusing and not interacting. In this case one can avoid the costly integration of microscopic equations of motion, such as molecular dynamics (MD), and instead turn to an event-based scheme in which the times to the next particle interaction and the new particle positions at that time can be sampled. At high (local) concentrations, however, e.g. when particles are interacting in a nontrivial way, particle positions must still be updated with small time steps of the microscopic dynamical equations. The efficiency of a multi-scale simulation that uses these two schemes largely depends on the coupling between them and the decisions when to switch between the two scales. Here we present an efficient scheme for multi-scale MD-GFRD simulations. It has been shown that MD-GFRD schemes are more efficient than brute-force molecular dynamics simulations up to a molar concentration of 102μM10^{2}\mu M. In this paper, we show that the choice of the propagation domains has a relevant impact on the computational performance. Domains are constructed using a local optimization of their sizes and a minimal domain size is proposed. The algorithm is shown to be more efficient than brute-force Brownian dynamics simulations up to a molar concentration of 103μM10^{3}\mu M and is up to an order of magnitude more efficient compared with previous MD-GFRD schemes

    A variational approach to modeling slow processes in stochastic dynamical systems

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    The slow processes of metastable stochastic dynamical systems are difficult to access by direct numerical simulation due the sampling problem. Here, we suggest an approach for modeling the slow parts of Markov processes by approximating the dominant eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the propagator. To this end, a variational principle is derived that is based on the maximization of a Rayleigh coefficient. It is shown that this Rayleigh coefficient can be estimated from statistical observables that can be obtained from short distributed simulations starting from different parts of state space. The approach forms a basis for the development of adaptive and efficient computational algorithms for simulating and analyzing metastable Markov processes while avoiding the sampling problem. Since any stochastic process with finite memory can be transformed into a Markov process, the approach is applicable to a wide range of processes relevant for modeling complex real-world phenomena

    Variational approach for learning Markov processes from time series data

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    Inference, prediction and control of complex dynamical systems from time series is important in many areas, including financial markets, power grid management, climate and weather modeling, or molecular dynamics. The analysis of such highly nonlinear dynamical systems is facilitated by the fact that we can often find a (generally nonlinear) transformation of the system coordinates to features in which the dynamics can be excellently approximated by a linear Markovian model. Moreover, the large number of system variables often change collectively on large time- and length-scales, facilitating a low-dimensional analysis in feature space. In this paper, we introduce a variational approach for Markov processes (VAMP) that allows us to find optimal feature mappings and optimal Markovian models of the dynamics from given time series data. The key insight is that the best linear model can be obtained from the top singular components of the Koopman operator. This leads to the definition of a family of score functions called VAMP-r which can be calculated from data, and can be employed to optimize a Markovian model. In addition, based on the relationship between the variational scores and approximation errors of Koopman operators, we propose a new VAMP-E score, which can be applied to cross-validation for hyper-parameter optimization and model selection in VAMP. VAMP is valid for both reversible and nonreversible processes and for stationary and non-stationary processes or realizations

    Time-lagged autoencoders: Deep learning of slow collective variables for molecular kinetics

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    Inspired by the success of deep learning techniques in the physical and chemical sciences, we apply a modification of an autoencoder type deep neural network to the task of dimension reduction of molecular dynamics data. We can show that our time-lagged autoencoder reliably finds low-dimensional embeddings for high-dimensional feature spaces which capture the slow dynamics of the underlying stochastic processes - beyond the capabilities of linear dimension reduction techniques

    Kernel methods for detecting coherent structures in dynamical data

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    We illustrate relationships between classical kernel-based dimensionality reduction techniques and eigendecompositions of empirical estimates of reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) operators associated with dynamical systems. In particular, we show that kernel canonical correlation analysis (CCA) can be interpreted in terms of kernel transfer operators and that it can be obtained by optimizing the variational approach for Markov processes (VAMP) score. As a result, we show that coherent sets of particle trajectories can be computed by kernel CCA. We demonstrate the efficiency of this approach with several examples, namely the well-known Bickley jet, ocean drifter data, and a molecular dynamics problem with a time-dependent potential. Finally, we propose a straightforward generalization of dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) called coherent mode decomposition (CMD). Our results provide a generic machine learning approach to the computation of coherent sets with an objective score that can be used for cross-validation and the comparison of different methods

    A Software for Particle-Based Reaction-Diffusion Dynamics in Crowded Cellular Environments

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    We introduce the software package ReaDDy for simulation of detailed spatiotemporal mechanisms of dynamical processes in the cell, based on reaction-diffusion dynamics with particle resolution. In contrast to other particle-based reaction kinetics programs, ReaDDy supports particle interaction potentials. This permits effects such as space exclusion, molecular crowding and aggregation to be modeled. The biomolecules simulated can be represented as a sphere, or as a more complex geometry such as a domain structure or polymer chain. ReaDDy bridges the gap between small-scale but highly detailed molecular dynamics or Brownian dynamics simulations and large- scale but little-detailed reaction kinetics simulations. ReaDDy has a modular design that enables the exchange of the computing core by efficient platform- specific implementations or dynamical models that are different from Brownian dynamics

    Reversible Interacting-Particle Reaction Dynamics

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    Interacting-Particle Reaction Dynamics (iPRD) simulates the spatiotemporal evolution of particles that experience interaction forces and can react with one another. The combination of interaction forces and reactions enable a wide range of complex reactive systems in biology and chemistry, but give rise to new questions such as how to evolve the dynamical equations in a computationally efficient and statistically correct manner. Here we consider reversible reactions such as A + B C with interacting particles and derive expressions for the microscopic iPRD simulation parameters such that desired values for the equilibrium constant and the dissociation rate are obtained in the dilute limit. We then introduce a Monte-Carlo algorithm that ensures detailed balance in the iPRD time-evolution (iPRD-DB). iPRD-DB guarantees the correct thermodynamics at all concentrations and maintains the desired kinetics in the dilute limit, where chemical rates are well-defined and kinetic measurement experiments usually operate. We show that in dense particle systems, the incorporation of detailed balance is essential to obtain physically realistic solutions. iPRD-DB is implemented in ReaDDy 2 (https://readdy.github.io)